Advicory Service

Temperature Indicators

A temperature indicator such as WarmMark, ColdMark, MonitorMark, FreezeWatch or BloodTemp enables reliable temperature monitoring for temperature-sensitive products during transport and storage. By using our temperature indicators or temperature/time indicators, your customers can see at a glance whether the delivered product has been exposed to critical temperatures during transport or storage. This allows the cold chain to be optimised and product damage to be avoided. A closed cold chain is particularly important for products in the medical and food sectors. If damage does occur, a temperature indicator secures the chain of evidence and the damage can be traced back to the person responsible.

Several Temperature Indicator Tasks

The advantages are obvious. A temperature indicator reduces damage during transport and storage caused by incorrect temperatures. The indicators constantly remind the transporter to maintain the specified temperatures. Temperature monitoring can provide clear information about compliance or non-compliance with the temperature chain. This prevents concerns about possible damage to the product, e.g. due to bacterial growth. Compliance with health requirements and the quality of the product during the transport process are also ensured. If there are any quality deficits, these are identified before delivery or use. This can prevent, for example, a medicine that is no longer effective due to poor quality from reaching the patient. In the pharmaceutical sector, temperature loggers effectively support the GDP guidelines on "good distribution practice for medicinal products for human use".

Advantages at a Glance:

  • Reduce damage caused by incorrect temperatures during transport and storage
  • Psychological effect on the transporter
  • Unique information about compliance and non-compliance with the temperature chain
  • Compliance with health requirements
  • Assurance of product quality during the transport process
  • Identification of quality deficits even before delivery
  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Effective support for GDP guidelines in the pharmaceutical sector

In addition, a temperature indicator ensures that the adhesion chain is secured. It is possible to identify the person responsible for damage in the supply chain. We will be happy to inform and advise you on which temperature indicators are best suited to your application.

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