Time Indicators
Time indicators are small, non-volatile reminders. From the moment they are activated, they measure the time until the time interval expires. The indicator window changes color. As soon as the indicator has completely changed color, the corresponding time interval has expired and reminds the user to take action. Time indicators can be attached directly to individual products or objects using a practical adhesive film. Time indicators are ideal for goods that need to be replaced, maintained and repaired at regular intervals - for example in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries.
Short-term time indicators: 1 hour, 12 hours and 7 days, are irreversible disposable timers in a practical format of smart adhesive labels. They can be applied directly to a product or device and serve as a visual reminder for replacing a part, monitoring an expiration date or verifying medical and diagnostic results.
Long-term time indicators: 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months, are used in the medical and industrial sectors as reminders for the replacement of filtration or consumables of products or as a monthly / annual / deadline reminder service. Also available in key holder format for 3 and 12 months.
By using a time indicator on a product or device, the end user receives a constant visual reminder. This increases safety and the likelihood that recommended replacement and maintenance cycles are adhered to, resulting in better performance of the product or device.
- Indicators for time monitoring
- Time interval 1 hour - 24 months
- Ideal for monitoring test deadlines
- Self-adhesive, easy to attach